Replik till Monica Antonsson
Kategori: Pappa

Så här skriver George själv angående inlägget, och det summerar även mina egna känslor rätt bra:
I am writing in regards to Monica’s statements and her latest article about me.
I find it a little disturbing that her views are as she states.
It started off into regards to the sad case that took place in Canada, where the Australian mother took her two children’s lives, “rather than share custody”. The discussion has now totally swung around and focus on me as a person and as parent.
What I find disturbing is that she makes statements about me and my actions, that’s fine and I respect the fact that she has a right to an opinion. However, what I find hard to understand is the fact is that she is obviously intelligent and educated and has written a book of great importance, My question is then, Why would she pass judgement or comment when she has not read the book or all the court and social welfare documents.
It is my opinion that until she has knowledge of the facts, she is not an authority and, therefore her comments are only her opinions, not based on sound information and with an impartial view on the facts and judgement based on a common sense approach.
My other question is; why has she attacked me, when the whole issue that the debate started on was the sad case in Canada ?
This may sound a little strange, However what concerns me the most is her apparent disregard for the law, where she says over her dead body, she would do whatever is required. In my view it seems that by her condoning Ann-Louise’s actions, “to do whatever is required” basically suggests to me that she would not respect the laws that are in place. Does she condone this behaviour as normal and justified, it seems so. Well all I can say is that thank god she is not a “Namndeman” or “Ordfaorande” in a court. She seems to misunderstand the law. It also seems she would be quite willing to be a “rattshaverist” for the sake of her beliefs. Therefore I can no longer respect her views, It also seems strange given her insight into “Mia scandalen and book she wrote that her apparent views are as such.
She also mentions that the book should be written about the “other side of the story” with Ann-Louise’s version. I agree with idea, I would like to what kind of book that would be!!!. Is Monica serious, this statement clearly demonstrates that she does not understand the situation. Not even the Swedish or Australian Courts can get a straight answer to one question from Ann-Louise. How does Monica think she will succeed. Other than that, the idea is not so silly actually, from a sales and profit only point of view, I would bet that Ann-Louise’s book would sell many more copies than “inteutanminasoner”.
To sum up, I am disillusioned with Monica’s comments and her attack on Ingrid, What is her agenda really ??. Monica is certainly not an authority in the same way you both are.
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